Uncensored and Uncut Explicit Sex Scenes

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    Julia Ostertag "SEXJUNKIE"
    hk75ngd8dyms jsplq3idzovg
    "A film about the difficulty to join love and sexuality and the inability to live without emotional contact",
    this is how filmmaker Julia Ostertag describes her short film SEXJUNKIE.

    Muscular young guys penetrate her with their fingers and cocks. She gives blow jobs and masturbates them. Occasionally, we witness orgasms. The lovers are then intertwined and utter unspectacular sounds of complacency. There are no "cumshots" - these images are not about sex, they are about love. In her cinematographic essay Ostertag stages "sexuality as a source of warmth in a cold world".

    Her erratically recited analytical comments lair on distinctly intimate, in part pornographic images. Her voice sounds hard and lacks any emotion except, maybe, anger with herself. It is an arduous act of self-release in which the filmmaker openly blasts herself. This is "selfsexploitation" like experienced in Richard Kern or Nick Zedd´s "cinema of transgression". Even if the film, like its 20 year old predecessors, bears an air of self-destruction it is still about self-release and self-discovery. The individual insecurity and vulnerability that Kern and his screen muse Lydia Lunch often hide behind provocative gestures is visible in every minute of Ostertag´s 10 minute-film. It is its blunt outspokenness that makes SEXJUNKIE an exciting and authentic piece of underground cinema.
    A woman spits it out - respect!
    ylx7ec8ddolv ffbmipmxw428 3th4yw170bxn b0o17r4fwdpp l1l1e9w4ts5r vw9nhi3rur4m hjwugu3i3jj5 i37lkrx0fuzw p81thjg54fam 8hqliguyjvn5 plmke05rf59c 2xz90qagk5qt

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    Rapidgator Link:

    PASSWORD: 2015

    File size: 90 mb
    File type: avi
    Resolution: 696x476
    Duration: 05:10

    (celebrity, short movie, shaved pussy, uncut, uncensored scene, naked, nude, explict, blowjob,real fuck scene, explict sex)
1318 replies since 24/3/2014, 18:46   150855 views